9 Ways To Make Your Virtual Food Drive A Success!

A Virtual Food Drive (VFD) is an online, peer-to-peer fundraising β€œfood” drive that accepts monetary donations instead of physical food items. They’re fun, easy to use and extremely beneficial because the GVFB can use the money to double the value with our 2:1 buying power.

Now that we know what a VFD is, let’s take a look at how to create one! Anyone can start a VFD. whether you register as an individual in lieu of birthday gifts, as a part of a team or organization! It’s a fun and easy way to give back to your community.

Here are 9 ways to make the most of your VFD and create a successful fundraiser:

1. Set A Goal

It’s important to set an achievable goal for your VFD. We want to encourage people to help us with a donation that feels attainable, but also generates some excitement! You can always increase your goal as time goes on, challenging yourself and your supporters with a higher achievement.

2. Personalize Your Page

Adding a photo and a personal message to your page shows your commitment to your VFD. A personal touch helps to create a link between you and the GVFB. Want to go one step further? Create a short and fun video that lets people know why you created the VFD and how they can help you.

3. Kick Off Your VFD

The best way to kick off your VFD and start to raise funds towards your goal is to lead by example. When you make the first donation, people tend to follow as they feel more comfortable donating when they see other people have. This sets the bar for future contributors to get involved.

4. Share your VFD

Share your VFD with the people that you want to encourage to participate. Whether this is word of mouth to your friends, family or colleagues, an email or by sharing a video, or post to your social media – spread the word! Social media is a great way to let people know what you are doing. Keep them updated with posts, stories, and progress, encouraging people to check out your VFD page goal.

5. Ask For Support

The best way to generate donations is to ask the people around you to participate. The more people you include, the better chance you have to reach your goal. You can do this by creating a call to action through email or social media with a link to your VFD, or even just talking to friends, family, and colleagues about what you are trying to achieve. Ask for supporting in achieving the goal you set!

6. Ask For A Match

Ask your employer if they are interested in making a β€˜matching gift’ for either a portion or the total value of your VFD. This is a generous way for your employer to get involved and help you to achieve your goal. Find out if your employer is a matching donor on our Corporate Matching Page.

7. Follow Up with People

Make sure that you follow up with the people you first promoted your VFD to. Online links, like social media and email, can be easily forgotten with the amount of content we consume. A little reminder can help to keep your VFD on track!

8. Stewardship

A thank you goes a long way. Make sure that you are keeping track of who is participating in your VFD and take the time to thank them for their donation. Not only will it show them that you appreciate their gift, but it may encourage them to give a little more, reaching your goal sooner.

9. Tour the GVFB!

Add some encouragement by joining us on a tour of our facilities. A tour is a great way to convey the message of our mission; providing healthy food to those in need! Seeing work, we are doing at the source is a great way to generate more support. We are happy to accommodate tours and support you with your VFD!

To register for a VFD or find out more information head to Virtual Food Drive – GVFB Virtual Food Drive (foodbank.bc.ca). If you are an event raising money for the GVFB, reach out to events@foodbank.bc.ca.