Legacy Giving

Leaving a gift in your Will for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank has a tremendous impact on our community. Let us help you get started.

Leaving a gift in your Will is a powerful expression of love, compassion, and hope for the future.

How you direct your financial legacy speaks volumes to the values you hold dear, and the kind of life you have built through the years.

A gift in your Will to the GVFB means you can…

Promote health and wellness

by providing fresh, healthy food to people in need from babies to seniors.

Increase community capacity

by extending our reach to different neighbourhoods across Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and the North Shore.

Provide sustainability

and a secure future with ongoing funding to address food insecurity in the Greater Vancouver area.

Leave a gift in your Will (bequest)

At the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, we believe it is important for everyone to have a current Will prepared to ensure your wishes are carried out exactly as you intend, and that your loved ones and friends will be cared for. You can give as much or as little as you want, and you can always change your mind. Just add a phrase about your intention using our legal name and Canadian charitable number: Greater Vancouver Food Bank, 107449787 RR0001

You can name a specific dollar amount or a piece of property, such as a home or securities.

Suggested Wording for your Will

You may decide to leave us a fixed amount, or you can leave a residual gift to us — a percentage of what’s left of your estate after you take care of your loved ones.
I give to The Greater Vancouver Food Bank, charitable number 107449787 RR0001, the sum of $_______.
I give to The Greater Vancouver Food Bank, charitable number 107449787 RR0001, ____ percent of the residue of my estate.

Legal Name

Greater Vancouver Food Bank


8345 Winston St., Burnaby, BC, V5A 2H3

Charitable Registration Number

107449787 RR0001

Ways You Can Make A Planned Gift

Thank you for thinking of providing healthy food to people in need as part of your gift planning. 
Please note that the Greater Vancouver Food Bank cannot act as an executor on behalf of any estate.  Please speak with your financial advisor or lawyer to make sure that your wishes are fulfilled. 

The GVFB can accept the following planned gifts:

Leaving a legacy gift in your Will has never been easier

We’ve partnered with Epilogue Wills – Canada’s leading online estate planning solution – to save you 20% on the Will you need!  Click below to get started.

GVFB Impact Report Cover Photo 2

We would like to thank you

If you have decided to leave a gift in your Will to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank, please let us know your plans — we would love to thank you for your kindness! Knowing ahead of time helps us honour your wishes: 

  • Why you are making the gift 
  • Your intentions for the gift 
  • The way you wish to be acknowledged 

If you would like your gift to remain anonymous, we’ll respect your privacy. 


Planning for the future is a thoughtful thing to do for your loved ones but it can be difficult at times. We’re here to help you!

Please contact us with any questions you might have. 

Greg Douglas 
Director of Development 
[email protected]  