Annie Goodwyne recently chose to include the Food Bank in her will.
“One of the reasons I want to leave a gift to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank
in my will is that I firmly believe no one should ever go hungry,” she says.
“I’m not materially wealthy, but it feels good knowing I can leave a bit of a legacy to help people.”
Annie had been thinking about this for a while but wasn’t sure where to start.
“I learned that I could get my will made up at no cost when donating to a charity through the Free Wills Network,” says Annie. “Working with the Free Wills Network was an easy step to take. If you don’t have a will and want to donate to a charity, I recommend this course of action”


If you’d like more information about leaving a gift in your will, please get in
touch with Greg Douglas our Director of Development at 604-314-6980 or